Your Lawn: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly

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Diseases in your lawn are more common than you think. Your lawn could be undergoing some harmless fungus or some really bad ones. But how can you tell? How can you distinguish the bad fungus or the good? In this blog, you will read the good, the bad, and the ugly that your lawn can potentially endure.

Unhealthy measures

Invasion of Insects: A lawn that is taking a hit from flooding, will start to attract bugs and a lot of them. As it rains, the water soaks up within their nests so the bugs seek high grounds.

Overload of Fungus: The bad fungi within your yard usually sprout up in rings or patches. Overlooking these areas can spread and eventually ruin your entire yard.

Types of bad fungus

Frog-Eye (fusarium blight): This is caused by a parasite that has formed in fungi, which feeds off of the grass to gain nutrients from it.

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Brown Patch: This common turfgrass disease can eventually take up your whole yard if not treated! Although it could consume your entire lawn, this fungus only harms the blades of grass and not the crown or root.

Dollar Spot: This type of fungus appears as silver dollar sized circles in your yard. This lawn disease kills the entire grass plant, often requiring reseeding.

sprinklers, lawn care, fertilization, bug spray, landscaping, omaha

Healthy measures

Mushrooms: Believe it or not mushrooms are the flowers of a fungus. They’re actually the good guys in the ecosystem of your yard.

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Thickness: Is your lawn thick? Or does it have bare spots? In this case, a sign your lawn is healthy is that the grass is thick, deep and hiding soil from the view.

Color: Being mindful of the color of your lawn will help you out. Take a look at a couple of different areas of your lawn and compare the colors. You should be looking for a perfect green. Not too dark, not too light.

sprinklers, lawn care, fertilization, bug spray, landscaping, omaha

Now that you have seen the signs of an unhealthy lawn and a healthy lawn, you will be able to distinguish the difference. Two important ways to help your lawn stay healthy is a well maintained sprinkler system and an annual aeration and overseeding.

To schedule one of these services, Call us today at 402.972.8603 or

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