7 Plants You’ll Love if You Hate Fall Yard Work

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7 Plants You’ll Love if You Hate Fall Yard Work

Now that summer has come to a close, the last thing you want to do is start raking and pruning touchy perennials. Do yourself and your garden a favor and try these 7 low maintenance plants for your garden this fall. We have listed a couple of our favorites below. If you have a low maintenance plant that we didn’t list, share it with us in the comments section. We would love to hear what you’re planting this fall.

North Pole Arborvitae

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A perfect plant for your small space this fall. These winter-burn resistant evergreens can be planted in multiple locations to provide privacy. They yearn for full or partial sun. You can enjoy watching these grow up to 15 feet tall.


Aralia ‘Sun King’

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These large clump-forming perennial plants are most suitable at the back of a border to allow room for their two-foot-long spikes of pollinator-friendly flowers that emerge in the summer. You will see purple berries develop in the fall and although humans can’t eat them, birds love to snack on them.


Oakleaf Hydrangea

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Autumn is this plant’s time to shine. Its ruby-red leaves shimmer in any landscape and if left intact, its dried flowers can really make a statement. Since this hydrangea blooms on old wood, there is no need to cut it back in the fall. Don’t forget this, or you will remove the flower buds for next year.


Ivory Halo Dogwood

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We love the pattern of this plant almost as much as we love that it is a low maintenance plant for your fall garden. You can spot this plant miles away from its red branches. Ivory Halo Dogwood is a fast-growing plant and grows best in full fun and well-drained soil. It also doesn’t need fall pruning which will save you time.



This mat-forming ground cover is a great weed suppressant that brings separation and dimension to your garden beds. Ajuga has glossy leaves that range from combinations of pinks, greens, and white. You can count on this plant to thrive with little water in full sun to partial shade.



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Although the beautyberry flowers that pop up in the spring are insignificant, the fall fruit of this bush is wonderful. These bright purple bud branches remain intact well into the fall and usually hold on into winter. Since gardens begin to fade late into the autumn, this plant brings a bright look to your landscape with little to no work keeping it alive.


Summersweet ‘Vanilla Spice’

sprinklers, lawn care, fertilization, bug spray, landscaping, omaha

Vanilla Spice is a dense shrub that lives for partial sun but will endure full sun if it receives enough moisture throughout its time in your garden. They are known to grow 3-6 feet tall and can provide great shade for surrounding plants. This plant has glossy green foliage and is deer resistant. Since it has a strong fragrant flower, these plants are attractive to pollinators.

We hope these 7 low maintenance plants make an appearance in your garden this fall. If you would like more help with finding the right plants for your landscape year-round, the experts at SunCo would love to help. Contact us today to get your project started.


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