5 Ways to Protect Pets from Lawn Dangers

Watering Your Lawn Wisely
May 14, 2021
Save Money With These Lawn & Garden Hacks
July 2, 2021
Watering Your Lawn Wisely
May 14, 2021
Save Money With These Lawn & Garden Hacks
July 2, 2021

As it gets warmer, our pets spend more time outdoors—specifically in our yards. While our yards and gardens are meant to be for playing, relaxing, and entertaining, they may pose some hidden danger for pets. Animals can come in contact with poisonous plants, chemicals, and more. With that in mind, here are some tips on creating a pet-friendly yard!

Remove Toxic Plants

When planting in your yard and garden, keep in mind that many plants—even popular ones—are poisonous. Do your research before purchasing plants. ASPCA has a list of plants that are poisonous to dogs, cats, and other pets. Also, keep your animals out of other yards, including parks or public areas, if you’re not sure what kind of plants they have. If you’re not confident in choosing your landscaping, consider getting a consultation from SunCo!

Pick Up the Yard

Keep your yard picked up! Lawn care or garden tools, children’s toys, derbis, chemicals, and compost can all be hazardous to animals. You should properly store these items in a safe location away from pets. Keep debris and garbage off the lawn as much as possible. Maintaining a close-cut yard can also help you spot any potential problems like nails, broken glass, etc.

Use Safe Products

While chemical products can help us maintain outdoor envy, fertilizers, pesticides, insect baits, and mulch can cause serious health problems for our pets. You should supervise your pet in the yard, and follow instructions on spreading techniques and wait times—but why not look into more pet-friendly options instead?


At SunCo, we offer an Organic Hybrid Fertilizer Program that’s good for the environment and those you love. This multi-step program offers you weed-free, green grass (and more!) with less chemicals. We also offer a 100% natural, non-toxic Mosquito Barrier Program. Call SunCo for your no cost consultation today! 402.972.8603


Repair Fences and Gates

Fences or gates needing to be repaired are easily overlooked, but you should check them often for holes or loose pieces. Openings in damaged fences make it easy for animals to run away or escape. Holes create areas where your pet could get stuck and be hurt or strangled.

Set Out Fresh Water

Water features—like pools, fountains, and ponds—in your yard or garden can contain chlorine or have growing algae. It’s important to keep your pet away from this and instead provide fresh, clean water. Having clean water at all times can help your pet avoid dehydration, especially in the hot summer months!

At SunCo, we’re here to inspire outdoor envy AND create a space that’s safe for your four-legged friends. Give us a call today to schedule a free consultation! 402.972.8603.

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